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发表于 2013-4-7 21:51:11 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 | 来自四川 IP属地:四川宜宾
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    The teacher 's facial expression is the feeling of " barometer", has the rich connotation. In addition, when the teacher indispensable even is the most important quality, is to love students, and students need to feel as a starting point, more than usual attention to contact with the students, active and make friends, talk to students, helping them to establish confidence of learning, for students wishing to become power to learn English well. The teacher quality andgood personality can promote communication in teaching with the tacit understanding.
    Two, as soon as possible to help the students to establish confidence
    Some students have suffered frustrations in the junior middle school English learning process, we know too much frustration will only weaken people's desire to learn, " thrives " this word, in some cases does not apply, and sometimes even run counter to one's desire. And the sense of achievement can inspire people to fight, let the human have the desire to continue to forge ahead. So I'll be in everyday teaching naturally or half unconsciously to English students with learning difficulties to set some ** operations and to help them complete. Let them think English is not so difficult, I can understand the original slightly harder. Repeat this several times, their confidence will gradually set up. This is crucial at the beginning of their learning will.
    Three, create a sense of security class collective learning
    People are very difficult to carry out creative thinking in fear mood. In order to relieve students confused, nervous and fear of negative psychological factors such as negative error learning, first make full use of the collective, team, table to organize all kinds of language practice activities in class, to create an atmosphere of mutual cooperation, let the students have a sense of security. For example: pronunciation difficult words through collective read and read, let the students have the opportunity to self correction.
    If you specify a student to speak at once, usually students will be very nervous, have no sense of security, so the use of a variety of classroom activities for students to create a sense of security.
    Secondly, when students make mistakes, more positive encouragement, not every wrong must be corrected. Because the students try to speech training, mistakes are inevitable. For every student, learning English is needed to encourage and praise more.
    适当中肯的话语会产生积极的暗示作用,能激发学生改正错误、奋发进取的勇气和信 ,从而激发潜能。而直接生硬的话语则有消极的暗示作用。不分性质,见错就纠会给学生造成心理压力,使他们因怕出错的紧张感而失去信心,造成自卑、胆怯的心理。因此,上课时要毫不吝啬地表扬和肯定,满足学生们的心理需要。
    Appropriate critical discourse will have positive implications, can stimulate the students to correct errors, forge ahead with courage and faith, so as to stimulate the potential. Direct blunt words had negative implications. Regardless of the nature, the wrong will cause psychological pressure to students, so that they have lost confidence in fear of ** mistakes in tension, resulting in low self-esteem, fear mentality. Therefore, the class should not hesitate to praise and affirmation, meet students' psychological needs.
以上内容出自北京速必课英语口语一对一http://hellospeak.com/apply/trialh19.html ,转载请注明出处,谢谢


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